No? Then why not take a look? In addition to numerous graphic ideas and inspiration for special occasions, our social media channels offer hundreds of transfer printing tutorial videos on various topics. During these tough times, as trade fairs and seminars are cancelled or postponed, our tutorials videos can be viewed anytime, any place and in the comfort of your own home. Use this time to learn new skills with our extensive collection of online tutorial videos .
FOREVER on YouTube
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” True, but videos say more than a thousand pictures! Welcome to our YouTube channel! Here we would like to make it easier for you to work with transfer printing and explain how to achieve the best possible results with different printing systems, transfer presses and our transfer papers. Learn step-by-step how to decorate different surfaces such as mugs, textiles, wood, mirrors or even your skin.

FOREVER on Facebook and Instagram
Which designs are particularly suitable for Christmas and Easter? How can I refine textiles and other materials for weddings or the upcoming Mother’s Day? Get inspired for these and many other occasions throughout the year on our Facebook and Instagram channels and make these days really special. You can also watch short videos to learn how the various applications work with our transfer media. In addition, you can stay up-to-date on when and where our next tradeshow or academy will be.